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No, no! This can’t be real! This is all a nightmare! But it all seems so real...

Tiki, my Chikorita, huddles up on my lap as I try to keep her from crying under the desk. They said it was dangerous, the selling of the now easily produced Masterballs. No one believed them though. Looking back, however, I guess they were right. I guess the government grotesquely underestimated the number of villains still around. Once they got their hands on the Masterballs they basically were given the legendaries they captured. Their battle for supremacy was man's second undoing. The world is their battlefield. Those brave (or foolish) enough to battle them are slain in battle. No one can stop them, not Red, not Gold, not my parents…

Screams flow through the air constantly but I have gotten used to them. I hear chasms open, storm beat down the city I once called home, explosions which occur constantly. I can just imagine the horror outside as I am too afraid to even to move from my very position. I haven’t drunk for hours and I haven't eaten in days. But I guess I'm one of the lucky ones not driven to insanity. Or at least not anymore. You see, one of Tiki's front legs fell victim to my insanity and now it is no more due to my previous insatiable hunger. Once I realized what I had done, I grabbed the knife and pressed the cold metal against my stomach, ready to end it all. Through her speaker-band, Tiki convinced me to stop, though, thankfully...

I freeze up as the house where I grew is set aflame. My hand slowly falls limp, too weak to cover Tiki's mouth, it is too late anyway. However, my greatest fear is now that Arceus is gone, is there even hope for an afterlife? Is it THE END?
